Sunday, February 15, 2009

The two pictures represent a couple of Idioms in English language... Can you guess the meanings?

write your opinions about the pictures in here.

Picture A

Picture B


  1. 1 It means SAD
    2 It means JEALOUS

  2. 1.My sweet why you don't call me...
    2.oh my god,the diamond is so big so nice,but the woman so ugly..

  3. i've heard the word "feeling blue" from a song, it means like sad. "I'm just feeling blue" blue just means sadness.

    To be green with envy, ive heard that comes from the greek and it means like jealousy.

  4. I'm not sure about the blue one, but i think he just missed his girl friend. I really not sure.
    For the green one, i think she grudge with the another girl because she has a lot of jewellery.
    Just that for my comment.

  5. 1. "I miss you.Why you don't call me now?"feel sad.
    2."So beautiful lady."feel jealous.

  6. Picture A: Feeling Blue means that the boy is sad about something, maybe related to his girlfriend who dumped him? i guess so, or maybe he is sad because his girlfriend never give him a call?the boy's feeling become blue can be described when someone sad, his/her feeling is like a "someone face that become blue/pale because illness".
    My other opinion the "blue" colour can be described as sad colour

    Picture B: To be Green with envy means full of desire for someone's possessions or advantages

  7. No.--I guess maybe the boy missing his grilfriend, so he is feeling blue.

  8. 1.He feeling blue,because of he missing his girlfriend so much.
    2.she is jealous her jewelery . because she is very poor.

  9. 1.The man was feel not good,he's face turned blue,maybe the woman who on the photo did something to him.

    2.The woman who have green face was so excited to saw the woman who was beautiful than her.

  10. A : he sad because he had fight with his gf , he wants to call her but he scared of his angry gf.

    B : that old woman just jealous with the other woman because of the jewellery

  11. "I wait,wait,wait...I will see what time u can give me a call."said the blue face man...
    "i'm ugly,i'm poor,i'm elder,but i have a green face!"said the green face woman!

  12. Oh,look, color is something really has magic.It can help people to express their feelings sometimes.We don't need to say it out,and the color tells.

    A:I heared my friend said:He is so blue.Of course it doesn't mean the guy's face is really blue(it's going to scare us).It means he is depressed or disappointed or sad.Same as this guy,he is really sad about missing his better half.I feel the sorrow..
    Hey,are you blue?

    B:Compares to blue,green is more interesting.When someone gets really angry ,his/her face is going to lose the healthy color,right? Same as the lady,she's really mad at that why only she is that beautiful? It drives her crazy and angry.. She turns GREEN ~! lol..

  13. based from the picture,feeling blue means the man is sad about someone,the girl who he in love with might be dumped him or cheated or she didn't want to pick up the phone maybe,i don't know exactly what it is i just make my own description.

    and about the picture two,to be green with envy.actually i don't know what is green means on that picture.but i think is jealous.

  14. The green woman may be very admire the woman with large diamond.
    So she play up to her and want to get one diamond.
    The woman on the right are very rich.But she is mean,she dosen't want to give her just one diamond.

  15. I think in the first picture the man very miss his gf,so he is very sad~
    The second picture the green woman is jealous ~
